Fiction Group Anthology Project: Theme Entrances and Exits
N.B. Submission to the anthology is open to all members. Short stories only.
Join the Wednesday fiction group and get feedback on your submission. We’ll also talk through the publication process. We look forward to seeing our SW writers work in print THIS year! Our next workshop is on 25 May 2022 via Zoom. Email Jonathan for more details:
NB: This is a fundraising endeavour.
Submission requirements:
Cost: No cost to members.
Anthology Title: House of Stories
Theme: Entrances and Exits
Word Count: 2000-5000 words.
Formatting/Style: Word document typeset Times New Roman, font size 12, double line spacing. No PDFs.
Editing: Please ensure your submission is polished and edited to a high standard. Submissions of poor quality will be sent back for revision.
Final submissions: 10 September 2022 at midnight. Email Jonathan:
Publication: It will be available on Amazon to order as ebook and paperback 19 October 2022 – 31 March 2023.
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully.
* One entry per member.
*All submissions must be original and not previously published, and the author’s own work.
*You may not publish the work elsewhere during the 6 month publication period. After 31 March 2023, the book will be removed from Amazon, and the publication rights returned to the authors. If you cannot give Sutton Writers Exclusive publishing rights for the 6-month period, we cannot include your story.
*No short-form prose, poetry, flash fiction, or erotica will be permitted. Hate speech, racism, gratuitous violence, or strong political views will not find a place in the anthology.
*Any and all income/ profit derived from sales of the anthology will go to covering publication costs and belong to Sutton Writers. *Sutton Writers committee reserve the right to reject submissions that do not align with the theme, do not fall within the word limit or are of an unpublishable quality. Please understand that we want to present an anthology everyone can be proud of.