Here’s a selection of the correspondence we have had into our mailbox this month. Please note this information has not been verified; we are just passing it on for you to investigate if you’re interested.
Mslexia annual writing prizes
- Close: 30 September 2019
- Prizes: £5000 (novel), £3000 (short story), £500 (flash)
- Renowned competition for novel writing, short stories and flash fiction, with big-name judges
- Publication as a prize as well as money
- Word limit: various
- £25 (novel), £10 (short story), £5 (flash)
- More information at
Crowvus Christmas ghost story competition
- Close: 30 September 2019
- Category for both adult and children’s storytelling
- Prizes: percentage of the entry fees for adults; £50 gift card for children’s
- An anthology of the shortlisted stories in both categories will also be published
- Limit: 4000 words
- £3 for one, £5 for two
- Short story, poem and flash fiction
- More information at
Southam Book Festival flash fiction competition
- Close: 21 September 2019
- Winning entry will be published in the Southam Advertiser and announced at the book festival
- Limit 100 words
- £2 entry
- More information at
Henshaw short story competition
- Close: 21 September 2019
- 1st prize is £200; 2nd prize is £75; 3rd prize is £25
- Limit 2000 words
- Open theme
- £6 entry to competition; £12 if you’d like a critique included
- More information at
Writing Magazine Picture Book prize
- Close: 31 October 2019
- Prizes include a lunch consultation with a top agent, magazine subscriptions, critiques and prize money
- Judges are looking for an original, entertaining story with a strong and captivating author voice
- Story must be aimed at 0-6 year-olds and no more than 800 words
- Can be rhyming or non-rhyming
- Only one story per author
- Entry: £5
- More information at
Writing resources
The Novelry
They do offer courses, they do have competitions, but they also have some interesting stuff, especially in their blog section. For example, did you know A Clockwork Orange was written in three weeks?
More at
Main image: Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash