Twitter is an amazing platform for interacting with other writers, staying on top of industry happenings, connecting with readers and grabbing once of a lifetime opportunities – like pitching to agents!
The main thing you need to know about Twitter (and Instagram) is that the # is EVERYTHING. Post without using it, and you may as well be the tree in the forest that falls.
Use Twitter as a tool to follow the people who inspire you, friends and other people of interest to you and you’ll find that it’s not a passive platform like Facebook, it’s lively and often very enlightening.
So, back to the hashtag – include them in your tweets and watch your followers grow.
What are Hashtags used for anyway?
- Indexing emotions (#Vague #SorryNotSorry)
- Identifying a Brand (#Oakley)
- Recommending a Product (#BestRead)
- Connecting with like-minded people (#WriterLife)
- Finding Experts (#AskAgent)
Example of a Tweet:
When you are researching sex toys…for work! #AmWritingRomance #WriterLife
Use these #’s to find your tribe and connect with other writers:
#WriterWednesday (or #WW)
Connect by book genre, this case romance:
Looking for or giving advice?
Connect with Readers
So what are you waiting for? Follow Sutton Writers @SuttonWriters.
Cindi Page writes romance @1stTruLove.