Our special short story competition is now open to all members. First prize is your name on the shield and £50. Depending on the number of entries, there is a prize of £20 for the runner-up. Every entry will receive feedback. Our competition judge this year is Peter Kelly, who won the 2018 President’s Prize with his entry: The Lost Queen.
- The competition deadline is Tuesday, January 14th 2020 at 10pm. The winner will be announced at the Tuesday meeting in March 2020.
- There is a maximum word count of 1500.
- Use 12 point Times New Roman, one and a half spaced.
- You can hand your entry in as hard copy to the competitions’ secretary, Barbara, at the January 14th meeting or send your entry as an email attachment to suttonwriters@yahoo.com
- Emails should contain details of your name and the title of your story. Your attachment must not contain your name. You may use a nom de plume on your attachment, but it is not essential as your details are on the accompanying email.
- Hard copy entries require a nom de plume on the competition entry and an attached envelope containing your nom de plume and real name. Your short story must not reveal your real name.
- You may send three entries to the competition. Please use the same nom de plume for all entries in the same year.
- Competition is only open to members. If you’d like to become a member, read more about what that means here.
Feature image by hannah grace on Unsplash