Announcing online writing “retreats” every Saturday

Announcing online writing “retreats” every Saturday

In the before times, when we could actually meet in person, I used to host a monthly writing session in the pub. It was time for dedicated writing, a chance to gather socially and be encouraged by seeing others hard at work on their laptops or scribbling in notebooks.

Then the pandemic hit. And I found my own creative structure flying out the window.

That’s why I’m bringing the sessions online. Who knows when we’ll be able to gather in a pub once more – at least, when we’ll be able to have a collection of writers from different households all sitting on one table – so let’s gather on Zoom instead.

Every Saturday morning, from 10.30am to noon, I’ll open up the Sutton Writers Zoom account and you’re welcome to join me to shut up and write.

The structure will look something like this:

  • Join at 10.30am, and list your goal for the session in the chat box – that could be a word count, a task, etc
  • Kick off writing at 10.35am for a 45 min push
  • Break at 11.20am for coffee, etc
  • Second session at 11.30 for a final 30 min push
  • Finish by telling us in the chat how you went – did you hit your goal? What support do you need to take it further?

If you’d rather not be on camera, that’s fine; you can join us anyway. If you don’t get on with Zoom, you can bring your accountability trousers to our Slack group instead – it will happen simultaneously there. And if you don’t get on with technology in general, just make an appointment to sit and write at the same time, knowing we are all there with you in spirit.

Join us here at 10.30am every Saturday. If you’re prompted for a password, it’s Writing. We operate a waiting room to make sure only recognised guests can attend, so do let us know if you’ll be joining us – via Slack (request access here), Facebook, Twitter or email.


  1. Tamako Takamatsu

    Hello, Lauren!

    I’ve seen you at the LWS Gold Patron room and have long been admiring your writing enthusiasm and apparent discipline! I haven’t yet mastered Slack but thought that if you have room, I would love to join you for a writing session this coming Saturday (the 15th). (I’d really love to join you more often, but I unfortunately normally work on weekends–but this weekend happens to be a summer break for me)!

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