Our poetry workshop keep going from strength to strength

Our poetry workshop keep going from strength to strength

We had an excellent Workshop 5, with 11 people participating on Zoom. Each time we include
people reading from their own poems, with comments from the rest of us, then we discuss a main subject. Our
last subject was ekphrastic poetry, that is poetry that represents another art form.

The discussion was wide and interesting. This type of poetry is mainly used for art subjects, painting
and sculpture, but the translation has broadened not only to music but also to less obvious subjects,
such as architecture. Our conclusion was that you could apply it widely, not only directly to what you
are seeing but also indirectly, for example to the artist who is creating the painting. We had a painting
which we discussed in detail, and some ekphrastic Haiku. Thanks to Barbara and Christine for
leading on these.

We then look at a particular poetry form. This time it was the Rondeau.

At our next workshop, which we’ve named “Poetry 6”, we will include the same elements and hopefully trying to introduce something new as
well. We will be looking at examples of the work of two leading modern poets, the late Derek Walcott and
Alice Oswald. Two totally dissimilar poets – Walcott, a Nobel laureate, infuses his work with his
Caribbean heritage and the lilt of his homeland; Oswald, Oxford Professor of Poetry, brings a classics
rigour and love of nature to her poems.

If you are not already a part of the group please do join us. You might just want to listen or see if
poetry is for you. If you have not yet written anything of your own but would like to read a favourite
poem by another poet, that’s fine.

If you want help to get started, or you’re stuck, or simply want feedback, then we’ll try to help.
Our next workshop will be on the 21st of October; please let me know if you want to be a part of the meeting and I’ll include you on the
Zoom invite list. If you don’t already know me, please email Sutton Writers and ask for an introduction.

Main image: Photo by Trust “Tru” Katsande on Unsplash


  1. Lucie Payne

    Hi, I just wrote the general enquiry for Sutton Writers about joining and if there was a poetry only branch. And here you are! I would really like to join since it seems this virus isn’t going away and I need to find new ways to connect with poets and writing. How can I join you? Any information gratefully received,
    Lucie Payne

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